Saturday, February 22, 2025




Ramadan is not just a fasting ritual. It’s a chance to be more fit. One of the hottest topics every fitness enthusiastic is talking about in 2019 – 2020 is intermittent fasting, an extremely successful diet regimen that limits the food intake within a certain timeframe.

Muslims around the world practice fasting for a full month, where they voluntarily stop all forms of eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset. That’s almost 16 hours a day, leaving you with 8 hours as a feeding window. Limiting the time of feeding is not the only important factor. The quality of the food should also be high. It should cover the three main pillars of macronutrients too. It’s important to make sure you get enough calories during the hours you are permitted to eat, including macronutrients and micronutrients. 

maha, ladies who online, ramadan, dubai blogger, dubai ladies, fasting during ramadan, @um_fhodee_

  • Macronutrients – carbohydrates, proteins, fats 
  • Micronutrients- vitamin C and iron

It’s also a good idea to eat a variety of food, including lots of different colored vegetables, fruits, pulses, and legumes. 

Moreover, hydration is an important factor that we can’t afford to miss, especially during Ramadan in the summer. Thankfully, dehydration during Ramadan is easy to combat just by making simple tweaks in your Iftar routine:

  • Calculate the amount of water you need to consume based on your weight and activity level, and create a plan based on the result, and stick to it. 
  • Stay away from salty or extra sugary foods. 
  • Have a good portion of fresh fruits daily.

Working out during Ramadan should also be simple. A light workout after two hours from Iftar is a good routine to follow. Refrain from doing fancy or complicated workout plans during the fasting hours. This will help you to avoid injuries caused by not supplying your muscles with fluids and nutrition during your exercise. 

The holy month has just started, and millions of Muslims around the world have begun practicing fasting from sunrise to sunset. While Ramadan is about much more than abstaining from food, fasting is also known to have several health benefits for the body and mind. It is also a great opportunity to pray and meditate. 

Ramadan Kareem!

maha, ladies who online, dubai blogger, @um_fhodee_

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