There are several health benefits of drinking coffee. Not only is this drink a breakfast staple in most households, the aroma and taste also give you that extra boost to start your day right. Now, make sure you drink coffee in moderation, as having too much caffeine in your system might not be good for you.
Drinking coffee can be good for you because not only does it help cut the risks of acquiring heart diseases by 25% (especially for women who drink about 3 cups daily), it also helps coffee-drinkers from developing diabetes by 60% (particularly Type II Diabetes). Other than these illnesses, this beverage can also help lower the risks of the following health conditions:

· Lowers the risk of people getting Dementia (by 65%), Alzheimer’s Disease (by 65%), and Parkinson’s Disease (by 80%)
· Lowers the risk of people getting Colon, Breast, Rectal cancer (by 50%) or Prostate cancer
· Lowers the risk of people getting a Stroke (by 43%)
· Lowers the risk of people committing Suicide (by 60% for women in particular)
· Lowers the risk of people experiencing Depression (since it helps boost one’s energy level)
· Lowers the risk of people getting a Cold (can also work as a decongestant)
· Lowers the risk of people getting Cirrhosis of the liver (by 80% for alcoholics in particular)
· Lowers the risk of people getting Gallstones (by 40% for men and 25% for women)
Apart from these health benefits, coffee is also high in natural antioxidants, which only means that drinking a few cups of this beverage will help restore your body’s damaged cells (usually distressed by free radicals). Not only do these antioxidants help clean your blood, but it also helps lower your risks of experiencing high blood pressure. Other than that, coffee also helps give relief to people who may experience asthma attacks, headaches, and other forms of pain (such as muscle pain).
Do take note that as much as coffee can help relieve one’s stresses and pains, it may not be as effective to some people. Nonetheless, it’s a natural diuretic and low-calorie treat that anyone can truly delight-in.