Thursday, March 06, 2025



Our ladies community have been a big fan of yoga. We did some yoga meetups and attended yoga events before and happy to know that we are all getting fit together as a community.

Ladies Who Online community in Dubai, UAE is very happy to have been invited by Amy to visit @miraclesdubai located in Icon tower, TECOM to try some of their specialty relaxing practise that you can experience for a better everyday life. It is very important these days to look after our mental health and of course our overall body, mind and soul and if you’re looking for something that will help you forget everything and just be calm and relax? Then this is the place!

Amy was very nice to invite our ladies community over at @miraclesdubai on a thursday afternoon. The place is walking distance only to Dubai Internet City Metro Station so no hustle going here at all. The staff is very nice and welcoming. We love the ambiance and it just feels relaxing to be just there. 

ladies who online, ladies community, laughing yoga dubai ladies group, dubai bloggers, yoga

They also sell amazing accessories, stones, cards etc, to continue and help you inspire yourself whenever and wherever you are. The bracelets look beautiful! And would love to have those cards as well to start my day. Do not forget to check out their wall of gratitude! I’ve always wanted one for myself, and maybe one day when ladies who online community get our own office, We would like to have a wall of gratitude as well. 

So the session started. They prepared at least 1 hour session for us with little bits of everything they can offer @miraclesdubai so we can try how indeed relaxing they are and how it will change your perception into doing this kind of group exercise. 

First: We did Shake & Release by Amy where you shake every part of your body. To relax them, or to wake them up and to prepare yourself to release where you dance, go with the flow. Follow where your whole body will go, how your hands, heads, legs will do is up to them. I suggest that you should close your eyes and just feel and vibe with the music. It is one of the most relaxing I did and your body and mind with thank you definitely. 

Second:  Laughing yoga is not what you think it is! I did some googling before we came and visited and figured that it is not doing yoga positions while laughing. Laughing yoga is simply following one of the ladies on what to do. Basically there is hi-hi-hi ho-ho-ho and lots of fun movements. I can say that it is like adults going to a child care center for them to relax, have fun and just be yourself for an hour. Believe you will forget everything and just have fun with new people. Thanks to @janeelizabeth for that one of a kind laughing yoga experience. 

CLICK ME if you cannot see the video above and watch it on youtube instead.

Third: Yoga Nidra is something that you don’t want to miss. We didn’t film this as basically we just lay down. Plant yourself on the floor, feel every part of your body and be at the moment. Amy’s voice was very relaxing and the music was really something. I almost fell asleep for a few minutes and just wanted to stay there. 

This whole experience is very new to us. We came without any expectations and with an open mind. We enjoyed every bit of it and we can totally tell you that our body, mind and soul have never been so relaxed and calm. If you are looking for something to help you relax, be calm, forget everything for a while or something personal that you think there is no one can help then, I strongly recommend @miraclesdubai. Give them a try and visit them. They offer a lot of services, coaching and professional help for anyone who needs it. 

Visit their website:


Amy’s instagram: 

Jane’s instagram:

Thank you so much Amy, Jane and @miraclesdubai for having us! Such a memorable experience and would definitely come back for a body, mind and soul relaxation. 

Till next time! Cheers, Jane

JANE, tauyanm, ladies who online, dubai blogger
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