Wednesday, March 26, 2025



Few days ago, I was attending a beauty event showcasing the newest cult beauty device that I think everyone in Dubai, UAE will be having or owning one this 2021. Why? Because all of us need a lift these days. Pandemic is still here and the effect of it to all of us is just simply noticeable. The stress and wrinkles on our faces, One cannot deny that we need help. One that we can just reach anytime, anywhere we go. Think of it as your own facial at home. The one that lifts us up whenever we need it, it is just there. One that you can trust that will give you an extra boost and is very promising to be effective, that you can see results for the first time using it. 

There are some nuface devices to choose from, but you can get them all and have them all lift your face and lips, and make your wrinkles disappear. They also say that it is good for someone that has botox or fillers to relax your face. Although, it is not advisable to use for people with epilepsy, people who have devices or anyone with medical devices connects to their body. Please consult with a professional first. 

nuface, beauty device, ladies who online, ladies community, dubai beauty blogger, beauty blog, online magazine, dubai bloggers

Nuface is such a very interesting device indeed. I really wish I could’ve squeezed a bit of time and queue with the other ladies to try them all. I mean we’re not getting any younger talking about skin here (because age doesn’t matter) so I suppose we can try and grab something like Nuface to help us a bit on the face lifting department, Do you agree? I am, definitely! I would love to have all of these Nuface devices if I can. But I admit that it is not in our budget at the moment. Guess, influencers are lucky to be receiving them, we are so jealous haha Better luck next time then =D 

Let us know via instagram comment HERE if you’ve tried nuface beauty devices before or looking into buying one in the future. Let us know as well if you have any beauty devices that you think we should check out and a must have for all the ladies!

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Thanks for dropping by! Until next time, Cheers, Jane =) 

Instagram: @tauyanm  Blog: Anywhere else: Jane Fashion travels

JANE, tauyanm, ladies who online, dubai blogger
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