Superfoods are foods which are extremely and densely rich in different nutrients and which are absolutely necessary to Maintain a good health naturally. Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’, often ascribed to Hippocrates (400 BC), and used to emphasize the importance of nutrition to prevent or cure disease.
We all know how we all love Superfoods – be it kale, quinoa or khus khus or baby spinach etc. We might include those in our diet and enjoy ( Really) too.. But the problem arises when we want to give it to kids ,especially the growing ones. We all have gone through the tantrums of not liking Broccoli as it looks like free and green leaves as our kids think it’s for animals only.
So the question arises, how can we make our kids eat these superfoods to improve their health. First thing first, kids don’t need only superfoods to grow. They need a balanced diet which definitely includes some sugars and carbs too .. And as parents we should not worry much if they don’t like or eat healthy meals specially cooked for them. As they grow their outlook to food changes( yes I have seen it with my son, though he used to like spinach soup while he was young and now he hates it , imagine)
So these are some of my easy ways to sneak the healthy ingredients in a kids diet.

Açaí smoothly- yes my kids love it .. I am a lucky parent for sure. I use two cups of milk, half cup açaí (scoop able), 200gms of washed strawberries, two small bananas and one spoon of honey to make this smoothie. What I sneak in it is – chia seeds, sunflower seeds and roasted flax seeds ( 1 teaspoon each) so I churn it while mixing the ingredients. Till date kids have not complained about some funny seeds coming in their mouth. And next week I am going to try adding some oats in it too
Pesto pasta – yes we use Italian Basil for making pesto. How about using broccoli . Yes that’s what I do. Just steam one head of broccoli and make it using the same recipe . Just replace basil with broccoli .. I add half basil and half broccoli and it’s a hit in our family.
Weekly twice we have salad as dinner – simple cucumber, lettuce, carrot, cherry tomatoes and baby spinach salad – I just add sautéed paneer or halloumi on the top and it becomes super healthy and tasty and yes filling too. Easy to make and quick to finish. Once a week I add boiled quinoa to this salad too. And both these days we have home made cookies ( will post my recipe soon) after dinner .. yes mums are wicked .
Smoothies are great ways to put those healthy ingredients in kids bodies- specially fruit based smoothies. Just crush all the fruits with little yoghurt or milk and add some honey for flavor and taste. You can even add some bournvita or chocolate powder as my kids will eat anything with chocolate.
Before I finish this article- my ultimate advice to all the parents is – calm down, give kids time and if they still can’t eat Super Foods, let them enjoy their normal meals. Don’t spoil your health worrying about kids’ diets. Human body is amazing and it adjusts according to what it gets. Sooner or later your kids will realize what is good for them and start eating it.
Till then you take good care of your health and much on your Superfoods.