Thursday, March 06, 2025


“No more waiting.. your season is now”

No more waiting.. your season is now | LADIES WHO ONLINE | Article by: Jessica Perlado 


When is your season?

“Everyone has their own season” I’m pretty sure you’ve heard or maybe read this quote before. 

I have! A thousand times. While it sounds cliché, you know it speaks the truth. Everyone does have their own season. Season of planting your seedlings and the season of reaping them after months and months of watering them and ensuring that they have enough sunlight. You can compare farming into one’s life. Years and years of pain, frustrations and hard work, comes the season of getting what you deserve. 

But when can you actually say that “this is my season. I am now reaping my hard work”. Is it when you receive blessings after blessings, and it just kept pouring in and you are just so grateful and praying that it won’t stop? Or one blessing happens after years of hard work and you do the same thing over again and receive it in 10, 20 or 30 years? When is it actually? Can anyone identify it?

No more waiting your season is now, Jessica Perlado, Ladies who online, contributor, 1

The answer is no. No one can identify it because we are blinded by the concept of getting these things in the grandest way. Specially these days when everyone posts about it on all social media platforms. You know what they say, “if you don’t post it, it didn’t really happen”. We are so consumed and glued by these posts that we forget our own season happening right in front of us. I’m guilty at this btw. But since it was not as extravagant and as successful as your friend who posted about her new phone, your cousin’s new car, or your best friend’s new awesome job, you don’t think it is happening to you. 

While I was writing this in my room, I was at the same time talking to an old friend. We catch up sometimes on what is happening in our lives and all the news that we could talk about. We were chatting about how frustrating these times can be to us, to everyone. Whilst we are so appreciative of our jobs and grateful about it, we can’t help but complain about so many things. I even questioned, when is really my season? (Hence the title haha)

I have been working for the past 8 years. Did some odd jobs, found a passion but got tired, craved to be in the corporate world then left and then back on the saddle horse again of the cruel corporate universe. My definition of success or “my season” is about gifting my parents a house, or buying a new phone (Yes, the one with the bitten apple LOL) or whatever worldly materialistic thing that you can think of plus a career that would be envied upon by many (kids, don’t be like me). 

No more waiting your season is now, Jessica Perlado, Ladies who online, contributor, 1

Then I have totally forgotten about the fact that I keep on looking at my neighbor’s grass while mine was starting to get withered and is drying out. I’m sure it is not just me who have felt this way. At most times, this is our initial reaction. 

However, we should always remember to water the grass that is infront of us. To keep in mind that what you’ve prayed for so intently from the past years, you are living it already. Basically, an answered prayer that you have forgotten to thank the universe because you’re too busy looking into other people’s achievements around you. 

We will always be envious of the friend having to start building their life with their partner at an early age. But please also remember that even if you are alone now, now is your season to build yourself. Whether its about self-empowerment, a job, a career. Whatever that is, your season is to have more time for yourself. 

Don’t forget that these people have also fought their silent battles without you knowing what is happening behind their curtains to rightfully achieve their season. 

It’s a long way to go and everyone is for sure going to that same goal. Don’t forget to enjoy the now and while you’re at it, cherish the people who crosses your road at some point to teach you some lessons along the way. 

Hard work (a lot of it) and a grateful heart is always important. Oh, and tons of patience in your front and back pocket also. 😅

Welcome every season of your life with open arms to fully understand how to deal with it head on. 

“Live fully in the season you are in because you won’t get it back” – Carolin Howard


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